The Break up Guide: How to Get Over It in Half the Time (AUTOGRAPHED)
They say "time" heals all wounds, but who wants to wait for time? Screw Father Time! I say it's what you do with your time that makes all the difference. In this step-by-step guide, you'll discover how to tap into your inner strength and how to use this "alone time" to excel in your personal life instead of wallowing over that loser! Not only are you going to get over him in half the time, but you're going to boost your confidence by discovering your worth and hidden assets; so when a man who deserves you does comes along, you'll know enough and will have accomplished enough to keep him hooked! It's time to start your new chapter!
TV personality Baje Fletcher ventured into life coaching after the success of her first book: A Goal Digger's Guide - How to Get What You Want Without Giving It Up. Once she was interviewed on The Dr. Phil Show and heard on The Tom Joyner Morning Show, women from as far as France began to reach out to her for her expertise on men, money, and makeovers. When you're finished with this book, you'll see why so many women have been drawn to her. Her non-sugar coated, politically incorrect, tell it like it is approach is just what you'll need in order to see the raw truth and get back on track.
The Break up Guide: How to Get Over It in Half the Time (AUTOGRAPHED)
They say "time" heals all wounds, but who wants to wait for time? Screw Father Time! I say it's what you do with your time that makes all the difference. In this step-by-step guide, you'll discover how to tap into your inner strength and how to use this "alone time" to excel in your personal life instead of wallowing over that loser! Not only are you going to get over him in half the time, but you're going to boost your confidence by discovering your worth and hidden assets; so when a man who deserves you does comes along, you'll know enough and will have accomplished enough to keep him hooked! It's time to start your new chapter!
TV personality Baje Fletcher ventured into life coaching after the success of her first book: A Goal Digger's Guide - How to Get What You Want Without Giving It Up. Once she was interviewed on The Dr. Phil Show and heard on The Tom Joyner Morning Show, women from as far as France began to reach out to her for her expertise on men, money, and makeovers. When you're finished with this book, you'll see why so many women have been drawn to her. Her non-sugar coated, politically incorrect, tell it like it is approach is just what you'll need in order to see the raw truth and get back on track.